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Spawn Station

Spawn Station is the first station constructed on the MTR Let's Play Server. Its construction was started in the initial episode of Jonathan's Let's Play series, and it has experienced many upgrades since, growing it into the largest hub on the server. As of right now, it serves many lines, with its most notable one being its namesake Spawn Grand Circular.

District Station Code
Spawn SPW
Owned by Served by
Jonathan Ho Jonathan Ho
Bayside Transit Authority
Qingli Railways
Lilypad Rail
CyanEX Rapid Transit
Shimano MTR
West Lake Transport Authority
Platforms Tracks
26 26


Despite being named Spawn, the player spawnpoint on the server is not actually located at this station, but rather at the adjacent Cyan Heights directly south of it. This is due to Cyan Heights being constructed over the spawnpoint later on.

The station consists of six zones, zones A and B are Spawn Station itself, zones C is Spawn Tower Station, zones D and E are Spawn High Speed Rail Terminals 1 and 2 respectively, and zone F is the Spawn Bus Terminal.

Due to the complex' large and sometimes confusing layout, there are maps in some places with the exact layout of the station and the location of the zones indicated on them. These zones are also indicated by icons on the floor, directing players towards the respective area.

The zone map of Spawn and Cyan Heights.


Zone Platform Service Destination

Spawn Station

9 Line 2 (Kwong Chow - North Coast Line) Kwong Chow
10 Line 2 (Kwong Chow - North Coast Line)
11 Line 2 (Kwong Chow - North Coast Line) Forest Peaks

1 Spawn Grand Circular Clockwise via Green
2 Airport Express Northern Snowland Hub
3 Airport Express Southern Snowland Hub (S)
4 Spawn Grand Circular Anticlockwise via Red Leaves
5 Scottetsu Line Kamisato Village
7 Furret Line Kurokusa
8 BTA Red Line Bayside Exchange

Spawn Tower
C 1 Sightseeing Local Line Scarlet Devil Mansion
2 Sightseeing Local Line Cyan Heights

Spawn High Speed Rail Terminal 1

1 North East Line Jonathan's Resort
2 Northern Heights Line Yankton
3 Northern Heights Line Llanmara St Ann's
4 Kallos Line Kallos LRT Depot
5 Intercity Metro-Diagonally Line Sunrise
6 Intercity Metro-Diagonally Line Yongchun

Spawn High Speed Rail Terminal 2

1 Dan Chun Line Yongchun
mtr_letsplay/spawn.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/28 11:43 by cokestudio