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MTR 4 for Players & Builders

Minecraft Transit Railway 4.0 is a major update to the Minecraft Transit Railway mod, succeeding MTR 3.2. In-place upgrade of existing MTR 3 world are available with minor quirks.

This releases focuses on refining the player experience, fixing numerous long-standing crashes and bugs, substantially improved frame-rate and adding long-requested features such as mixing carriage in a train.

Key Features & Improvements

Per-Carriage Configuration/Consist

Unlike previous versions where each depot siding can only have 1 train type, MTR 4 allows you to freely fill up a siding with other type of cars.

As an example, you can have an SP1900 (Head), M-Train (Carriage) and K-Train (Rear Head) to create a custom consist for your siding, and let that consist run on the track.

This is useful for mixed vehicle configuration (Such as coupled LRV with different phases), liveries and locomotives pulling other consists.

UI Configuration for MTR 4 Consist

Different train acceleration & deceleration

Train acceleration and deceleration are now separated.

Rail Preview

Before placing a track connected to a node, an instant preview of what the track will look like would be displayed when holding the rail item.

Track Preview of MTR 4, before it is connected

Track Shape and Custom Model

Track shape and custom model can now be applied, this feature is incorporated from NTE.

Custom Rail Shape & Model GUI

In MTR 4, custom track model (Rail Style) allows the use of multiple models, which means different rail models can be composited. Removing all rail models will make the track invisible.

Horizontal/Diagonal Elevator

Elevator can now go vertically and horizontally at the same time, horizontal track are now added in addition to the already-existing vertical track.

Elevator going up diagonally

Revamped System Map

The rewritten system map nows look better, runs faster and runs more reliably.

Online System Map for MTR 4

Signal Light

Signal lights can now be placed diagonally (In 22.5 deg increments). They can now also be filtered to only show the aspects of certain colored signals.

MTR Signal Light placed diagonally

Swaying Effects

Train carriage may now sway left and right when the train is running, improving the riding experience.

The sway intensity is configurable in the mod settings.

OBJ Rendering

OBJ model has been incorporated from NTE and is now integrated into MTR 4.

This means MTR can now support detailed train/track models that are exported in the .obj format.

Bridge Creator

The speed of bridge creator has been increased to a more reasonable speed.

Distance Effect

Much of the Distance Effects has been mitigated in MTR 4. Railway facilities and trains will render correctly even in very high distances (i.e. Default world border), and Dashboard will also function correctly with no precision loss when modifying an area.


Rendering optimizations from the NTE Addon has been integrated to the Minecraft-Mappings project, which are also in-use by MTR 4.0. This should offer substantial frame-rate improvements during gameplay.1)

Server Lag

The back-end has been rewritten to no longer run on the Minecraft thread, which means the game loop is able to run faster, resulting in more consistent TPS/Lower MSPT.

The improvements is more visible in large-scale MTR servers with large transit networks.

Mod Compatibility

Major mod compatibility issue reported in MTR 3 is resolved in MTR 4, notable issues including:

  • Crash when making a boat depot (MrCrayFish Framework)
  • Crash when opening the inventory in 1.20.1 (Botarium)
  • Getting kicked out of rocket (Ad Astra)
  • Invisible MTR Entity constantly seen when using JEI/The One Probe

Other Welcoming Improvements

Redstone-powered APG/PSD

Automatic Platform Gates / Platform Screen Doors can now be powered by redstone.

Announcer Block Delay

Announcements in the announcer block can now be delayed for a duration of time after the train passes, before playing to the passengers.

Dashboard improvements

Dashboard is now notably smoother than in MTR 3, and also has an underground mode to view surroundings in the player's Y level.

Platform Slabs

A slab-variants of platform block has been added.

Mosaic Blocks

Mosaic Block has been added to MTR 4, which mimics the mosaic tiles seen in various MTR stations.

Behavioral changes

Game Pausing

Due to the new MTR back-end change, currently MTR's train simulation will continue even after the Minecraft game have been paused.

Boarding a train

To board the train, you must now board from the door area when the door is opened instead of being in the general train area.

Train Movement Changes

Train movements has been altered slightly in MTR 4 to take account for the bogie position. This may however result in train clipping through very tight tunnels/structures built in MTR 3, and may need adjustments to accommodate for the changes.

Migration from MTR 3

Migration is automatically done when loading an MTR 3 world. After loading in the world, you need to run the command /mtr generate to refresh paths from all depot and make train operates again.

Please note that there are some artifacts after upgrading, which is listed below:

  • MTR 4 currently does not work with Sodium on 1.19.4, consider upgrading to a newer Minecraft version if you would like to upgrade.
  • Lift/Elevator Display Panel may be displayed incorrectly. You need to break and place it again.
  • As trains now more accurately simulate bogie position, train may clip through tight tunnels/bridges built for MTR 3. These structures may have to be rebuilt/modified to accommodate for the new train movement in MTR 4.
  • Rail model configured with the Nemo Transit Expansion (NTE) would be flipped to the opposite side. You will need to flip again for asymmetric rail model.
  • Trains now speed-up/reduce dwell time automatically if it's running late. You can turn this off per-siding to restore the behavior in MTR 3. (Where train runs the same speed regardless of schedule)
  • New versions of various MTR addons may have made changes which breaks blocks built in MTR 3.

Addon Compatibility

Due to the major backend rewrite, most if not all addons depending on the MTR Mod needs to be updated. A non-exhaustive list of addons can be found here, with MTR 3/4 tags appropriately applied to them.

Highly popular addons such as The Tube and Joban Client Mod should already be available for MTR 4, with the exception of Nemo's Transit Expansion, where much of the feature is already incorporated to the MTR Mod.

mtr/4.0.x/players_builders.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/23 06:44 by lx862