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mtr_letsplay:yankton [2024/05/01 09:26] xpgdmtr_letsplay:yankton [2024/12/31 04:40] (current) strongerlock
Line 80: Line 80:
 | ::: | Platform **3** | [[mtr_letsplay:snowie_line|Snowie Line]] to [[mtr_letsplay:eden_station|Eden]] -> | | ::: | Platform **3** | [[mtr_letsplay:snowie_line|Snowie Line]] to [[mtr_letsplay:eden_station|Eden]] -> |
 | ::: |   Island Platform   || | ::: |   Island Platform   ||
-| ::: | Platform **4** | <- [[mtr_letsplay:snowie_line|Snowie Line]] to [[mtr_letsplay:southorn_station|Southorn]] |+| ::: | Platform **4** | <- [[mtr_letsplay:snowie_line|Snowie Line]] to [[mtr_letsplay:gapyeong|Gapyeong (New Street)]] |
 | **U4** | @#E7792B: **[[mtr_letsplay:hsr_yankton_apm|HSR Yankton APM]] Platforms** || | **U4** | @#E7792B: **[[mtr_letsplay:hsr_yankton_apm|HSR Yankton APM]] Platforms** ||
 | ::: |   Side Platform   || | ::: |   Side Platform   ||
mtr_letsplay/yankton.1714555611.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/01 09:26 by xpgd