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To join our server you need to install some associated mods. They are distributed as a modpack. Once installed, the modpack automatically updates itself whenever we upgrade mods on the server, there's no need to manually update mods.

Tutorial for Installing


The following instructions will involve copying and pasting a link into your launcher. You can copy that link here:
  • Click the Add Instance button on the top-left corner.
  • Click Import from ZIP on the left side, then paste the link into the field on the right. And then click OK.
  • Make sure Java 17 is selected. To edit that, select the new instance, click the “edit” button on the right, select “Settings” on the left, tick the “Java installation” checkbox and click on “Auto-detect”.

    Select an entry starting with “17” in the dialog. If none is present, download Java 17 from Oracle.
  • Assigning 6 GiB or more to Java is recommended. Tick the “Memory” checkbox right below “Java installation” and set “Maximum memory allocation” to at least 6144 MiB. (Also, If your PC has less than 16 GiBs of RAM in total, it might be insufficient for gameplay on LetsPlay.)
    This is not “the more the better”, you should consider the total amount of RAM installed on your computer and leave at least 4 GiBs to spare.
  • Double click the new instance. Wait a bit and you'll see a window like this:


The following instructions will involve copying and pasting a link into your launcher. You can copy that link here:
  • Click the Instance tab on the right, then click the Import button on the top-left corner.
  • Paste the link into the field next to “URL:”, and click Import.
  • Click the “Play” button on the new instance. Wait a bit and you'll see a window like this:

Minecraft Launcher

Setting it up on the official Mojang launcher is a bit more complicated. I'd recommend using one of the other launchers, such as PrismLauncher. It's sorta easy to get used to, and it's free and open-source. You can get PrismLauncher here.

Here are the steps to set it up on the official Mojang launcher if you prefer using it anyways:

  • Download the Fabric Installer and install Fabric Loader for Minecraft 1.19.2.
  • Start the Minecraft Installer, go to “Minecraft: Java Edition”, and select the “Installations” page.
  • Find the “fabric-loader-1.19.2” installation. If you needs to change its “Game Directory”, change it now. You can also rename it to your preference.
  • Click on the folder button to open its game directory. Download This ZIP archive containing JARs for Packwiz-Installer, and extract the JARs into this game directory. They need to be in this directory, don't extract them into a sub-directory.
  • Click the three-dots button besides this installation, select edit, and select “more options”.
  • Prepend the following text to “JVM arguments”:
    (Leave a space between the end of “toml” and the rest of the existing texts! Like: …toml -Xmx, Not like: …toml-Xmx)
  • Assigning 8 GiB or more to Java is recommended. To edit that, replace the “-Xmx*G” (for example -Xmx2G) part in the existing JVM arguments with “-Xmx8G” or more.
    This is not “the more the better”, you should consider the total amount of RAM installed on your computer and leave at least 4 GiBs to spare. (It is recommended to join with a computer with at least 16 GiBs of RAM.)
  • Get back to the Installations screen, and click the Play button next to this installation. Wait a bit and you'll see a window like this:


来看 中文说明

Curseforge / Others

It's recommended to use one of the other launchers, such as PrismLauncher. It's sorta easy to get used to, and it's free and open-source. You can get PrismLauncher here.

Also, you must own a geniune Minecraft account purchased from Mojang in order to join our server. Offline (“cracked”) login is not supported and won't work.

These are several mods that can enhance the gaming experience, but they are not directly installed by default because people may have different preferences. Click on each item to view its features. Please choose according to your preference and check the box in front of the mods you want to install.

You can also later come back to install or remove them in the future, by clicking “Optional mods…” after starting the game.

Joining the Server

Wait a while - it might take a few minutes until the game window appears.

After launching the game, the resource pack will be downloaded. A menu will appear for you to choose which server to download from — simply press Enter. Then, please allow a few minutes for the resource pack to be prepared.

After entering the Minecraft main menu, adjust the language as needed, and enter “Multiplayer”. The server address has already been pre-set in the list, so click on it to join.

Additional Mods

To install more additional mods that you prefer, simply drop them into the mods folder. The updater knows which files are added by you and won't delete them.

Moving your previous stuff over

In case you've been previously playing and want to keep your Map, Distant Horizons data etc., simply move the associated folders inside .minecraft over. These might include Distant_Horizons_server_data, XaeroWorldMap, XaeroWaypoints, etc.

mtr_letsplay/modpack.1728751594.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/12 16:46 by zbx1425