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Resource Packs

There are several built-in vehicles and signs in this mod. For many people, it's enough, but for some special users, such as servers, open saves, or realistic projects, it's usually not enough.

For solving this, MTR supports custom resource packs. Right now, it supports to add new vehicles and signs. Besides, you can also moderate something like decoration blocks in vanilla way.

What is a Resource pack ?

Basically, a Resource pack is a zip-file which, if activated, can change or add new textures, models, music, sounds, languages, texts, without editing Minecraft, or mods directly.

In the context of the mod, Resource packs can provide new sign textures, new trains textures and/or models and/or sounds.

Using Resource Packs

Many of resource packs are packed in ZIP format. You can just put it into the .minecraft/resourcepacks folder, open the game, enable it, and use it like using builtins.

Some resource packs aren't packed in this format. For these cases, you should open the file and find if there are ZIP files in it. If you directly find pack.mcmeta in pack, you should decompress it into a folder in resourcepacks folder.

For other questions about using resourcepacks, see Minecraft Wiki for more information.

Making Resource Packs

Where can I find one ?

mtr_extra/start.1696609000.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/06 16:16 by weryskok