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Stronger Lock

StrongerLock1268's Minecraft skin
Also known as Stronger
Kueng Zhong Sin Sang
Date Joining
MTR Mod Discord
13 April, 2021
Roles Let's Play Members
Train Operators
Pronoun(s) He/Him

StrongerLock1268 aka Stronger, is one of the builders and the founder/PIC of Yankton Railway (YNM) and Los Sants Pacific Airways (SL/LSP) in the Let's Play server.

Stronger joined the Discord community in April 2020. In April 2021, with the invitation of Centown Owner, Bosco, Stronger joined the Centown community and became a staff member there. He then joined the MTR Community and became one of the first 500 members.

Centown Periods

Stronger has actively made efforts in the Centown Server, building the Jonathan Line, JonExpress (/JonaExpress), and assisting Forest in rebuilding the Mystic Tong Ming Line. He constructed roads near the railways and established several bus routes in the southern areas. He also contributed to the Phases system in Centown Station, clarifying the guidelines for visitors.

After the release of Centown NXT to all builders, Stronger visited the server once and was granted permission to test curve platforms in the south of Hongye. However, due to the chaos in Centown, exacerbated by the increase in builder credits initiated by Twinkle, Stronger did not intend to construct large-scale lines.

Let's Play Period

In August 2022, Stronger was invited to join the Let's Play Members. He proposed to build in the southern areas and founded Yankton. He constructed the Snowie Line, Snowtral Line, Wanton Line, and Los Sants Line. However, due to significant lag on the Let's Play Server, he became inactive between April and December 2023 and shifted his focus to MTR Crafters.

MTR Crafters Period

In September 2021, Stronger joined MTR Crafters as an Admin. However, due to academic studies, Centown workload, and map issues in MTR Crafters, he was inactive until 2023.

During the 1:2 Map Period, Stronger attempted to investigate curve platforms and build temporary tracks in Central Station. However, the plan failed due to overscaling, and he had to consider alternative plans.

After the release of the 1:1 Map in December 2022, Stronger came up with a new idea for curve platforms, where only Island Line platforms are curved while Tsuen Wan Line platforms remain straight. This solved the problem encountered in the 1:2 map. In June 2023, Admiralty Station and Central Station made their first progress in the 1:1 Map. This reactivated Stronger's involvement in MTR Crafters.

The Project Lantau Island Railways commenced after the opening ceremony of the West Rail Line. Stronger served as the main builder for the project, aiming for accuracy. The Tung Chung Line and Disneyland Resort Line were opened to the public on August 12, 2023.

Admiralty Station was mostly completed by December 31, 2023.

mtr_community/builders/strongerlock.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/21 08:03 by bdark000