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Adding Custom Resources

User-created content can be added to the Minecraft Transit Railway mod via resource packs. Currently, players can add the following:

It is highly recommended to be familiar with creating a resource pack before proceeding with this guide.

Resource Pack Format

The file mtr_custom_resources.json is the main file that will get loaded. This file defines custom content for the mod to register. It must be placed under the mtr namespace; in other words, it must have the file path of assets/mtr/mtr_custom_resources.json.

Adding Texture Variants for Existing Trains

To add texture variants, the custom_trains JSON object should be added to mtr_custom_resouces.json. Each JSON object under custom_trains, representing a texture variant for a train, should have a unique key and serveral required entries.

Key Data Type Description Required? Default value if not specified Notes
name String The name to be shown on dashboards when selecting trains for a route RequiredN/A
color String (colour hex code) The colour to be shown on dashboards when selecting trains for a route Optional Black (#000000)
base_train_type String (train ID) The train model to apply the texture on Required(If bbmodel is not used.) N/A See the trains page for a list of train identifiers
texture_id String (texture ID) The namespaced ID of the texture file Required N/A
description String A brief description of this train can be added. Newline code (\n) available. Optional N/A
wikipedia_article String You can cite the English Wikipedia article. If it is too long, it will be omitted in the middle. Optional N/A
train_barrier_id String Train barriers will be installed at the end of the car. If not specified, it will not be displayed. Optional N/A
gangway_connection_id String Gangway will be placed at the end of the car. If not specified, a Gangway of SP1900 will be shown.Optional mtr:textures/entity/sp1900
has_gangway_connection Boolean Selects whether the gangway can be passed through if false, the gangway will be transparent and the gangway_connection_id specification will be ignored.Optionaltrue
door_animation_type String The following door animations can be specified. Must be written in CAPITAL LETTERS.

OptionalSTANDARDCONSTANT only 32 (max) regardless of train door width.
model String Specify BBmodel file by file path.Required if BBmodel is used.N/A
model_properties String Specify Model Properties file(.json) by file path.Required if BBmodel is used.N/A
speed_sound_base_id String Specifies the ID of a conventional running sound, which can be either the default train ID or one defined in sounds.json.OptionalN/AIf not specified, the sound will be silent.
speed_sound_count NumberSpecify the number of ogg files in the acceleration or deceleration folder within the folder specified in speed_sound_base_id above. If not specified correctly, files above a certain speed will be silent.OptionalThe number of sounds specified by Train ID (if any)
door_sound_base_id String Specifies the ID of a conventional door sound, which can be either the default train ID or one defined in sounds.json.OptionalN/AIf not specified, the sound will be silent.
door_close_sound_time NumberSpecifies the offset of the door sound; cannot be greater than 1 or less than 0 due to limitations on the MTR side.Optional0.5
bve_sound_base_id String Specifies the ID of a BVE sound, which can be either the default train ID or one defined in sounds.json. See here for how it is defined. MTR:Custom_BVE_Train_SoundOptionalN/AIf specified, conventional format sound will not be available.

An example is shown below.

  "custom_trains": {
    "my_custom_train": {
      "name": "My Custom SP1900 Train",
      "color": "FEC5E5",
      "base_train_type": "sp1900",
      "texture_id": "mtr:custom_directory/custom_sp1900.png"

Adding New Railway Sign Textures or Text

To add new railway signs textures or text, the custom_signs JSON object should be added to mtr_custom_resouces.json. Each JSON object under custom_signs, representing a new sign, should have a unique key and serveral required entries.

Key Data Type Description Required?
texture_id String (texture ID) The namespaced ID of the texture file Required
flip_texture Boolean If true, the texture will be flipped horizontally Optional
custom_text String If set, the text will be shown to the right of the image; the pipe character \| is supported, for example 客務中心\|Customer Service Centre Optional
flip_custom_text Boolean If custom_text is set and flip_custom_text is true, the text will be shown to the left of the image Optional
small Boolean If true, the image will be rendered with a margin around it Optional
background_color String (colour hex code) The colour for the backgound Optional, defaults to the colour black if none specified

An example is shown below.

  "custom_signs": {
    "my_custom_sign": {
      "texture_id": "mtr:custom_directory/custom_sign.png",
      "flip_texture": false,
      "custom_text": "你好|Hello",
      "flip_custom_text": false,
      "small": true,
      "background_color": "1167B1"

Model Properties file

This section is currently unwritten.

The Model Properties file can be edited by the Resource Pack Creator or directly in a text editor, for example.


Key Data Type Description Notes
transport_mode String The following transport type can be specified. Must be written in CAPITAL LETTERS.

length Number Specifies the length of the car body. Required
width Number Specifies the width of the car body. Required
door_max String Specifies the door opening/closing width. If it is set to CONSTANT, the description is ignored. Required
Key Data Type Description Notes
name String Specify the parts folder of BBmodel. Specifying a folder without a single cube may cause Minecraft to crash.Required
stage String The following model attributes can be specified. Must be written in CAPITAL LETTERS.

mirror Boolean Flip the model 180 degrees on the y-axis. Optional, default is true
skip_rendering_if_too_far Boolean If set to true, models more than 2 chunks apart will not be displayed. Optional, default is false

Verifying the Resource Pack

Use a JSON validator to check for any syntax errors of the JSON files.

The resource pack (zip file) can be installed either clientside or as a server resource pack. If installed as a server resource pack, all players joining the server will be able to see the new additions after accepting the server resource pack.

Download the example resource pack to see a full example and to test out the functionality.

mtr/adding_custom_resources.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/15 16:24 by matej137