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MTR 4 for Developers/Contributors

MTR 4 is still in active development, and there are some issues and features to be completed.

You can help the development of MTR 4 by contributing to such area.

Issues & Bugs

  • BVE Sound breaks if player is outside loaded chunk (In per-car basis), where only a short period of sound is heard.
    • Reinstating the train (Going out and back in the area) would fix the issue, but F3+T does not fix it.
  • Vehicle Sounds are played multiple times when using shaders (Tested with Iris 1.7.2+mc1.20.4)
  • Action bar and destination shows the destination station's custom destination, instead of the next station's custom destination
  • NTE Rail flipped to the other side after upgrading to MTR 4.
  • Vehicle sounds cannot be overriden with BVE Sounds on custom trains with base_train_type.

Unconfirmed issues/bugs

  • MTR 4 will significantly raise the temperature of some CPU Model causing a bottleneck
  • Elevator position is off on Minecraft 1.16.5


  • MTR System Map's Direction Pane is incomplete.
  • Disable Next Station Announcement does not work
  • Re-implement Manual driving
  • Hide Route not working on System Map
  • Missing Ding Sound in Elevator
  • Single Arrival Vertical PIDS not implemented

Shader Compatibility

Some of the known problematic shaders are listed below:

Shaders Issues with MTR
Complementary Reimagined r5.3 Vehicle headlight texture is opaque (White background surrounding headlights)
Complementary Unbound r5.3
Aurora's Shaders
Rethinking Voxels r0.1-beta-5
Kappa v5.2 Semi-transparent texture (i.e. Cyan Glass in SP1900) is washed out
Photon v1.0a Semi-transparent texture (i.e. Cyan Glass in SP1900) is completely opaque
PotatoShaders v1.0d

Other notes

Some custom door sound does not get played for whatever reason, to be investigated

mtr/4.0.x/dev_contributors.1732466347.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/24 16:39 by lx862