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MTR 4 for Custom Content/Trains Creator

This page documents some of the migration steps needed when loading MTR 3 custom content in MTR 4.

Javascript Scripting

JS Scripting from the Nemo Transit Expansion is not implemented at the moment. If you rely on contents that make use of such feature, you are advised to stay on MTR 3 with the Nemo Transit Expansion Mod.

mtr_custom_resources.json Changes

  • Train which uses a base_train_type but without providing texture_id no longer has base train's texture applied (Only transparent train with bogie & gangway)
  • Train which does not specify a valid gangway_connection_id (Or does not have it) can no longer walk between gangways like they can in MTR 3
  • When specifying built-in MTR barrier/gangway/vehicle texture, replace textures/entity to textures/barrier, textures/gangway and textures/vehicle respectively.
mtr/4.0.x/content_developer.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/24 16:39 by lx862