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Editing Guideline

Translating A Page

First, navigate to the page you want to translate, then choose the new language to translate from the sidebar, and click the “Create this page” button on the right.

The code of the page you want to translated should be copied over automatically. You can click the “Toggle syntax / visual editor” button to choose the editing method of your preference.

If your preferred language is not included, please contact the admins.

Creating A New Page

First, the page needs an English title like “Edit Guideline,” then, you need to choose a category for the page to be in:

mtr The base MTR mod for the player
mtr_dev Addon or resource pack development for MTR
mtr_letsplay MTR Let's Play Server
mtr_extra Community Resource Packs
mtr_addon→lu The London Underground Addon
mtr_addon→nte Nemo's Transit Expansion Addon
mtr_addon→msd MTR Station Decoration Addon
mtr_community:server Server pages for the Community
mtr_community:staff Staff user pages
mtr_community:contributors Contributor user pages
mtr_community:builders Builder user pages
playground If you just want to try out the functions

After you create the page, there will be a big box for you to enter text in and a bunch of icons on the top.

You can click the “Toggle syntax / visual editor” button to toggle between raw code editing and visual editing. Write the page title in the first line and make it “Heading 1” with the “H#” button (If you're using visual editor) or write it like “====== Page Title ======” (If you're using code editor, note that there must be 12 equal signs). You can use whatever language here in this title, not limited to English as in the page name.

After adding the header, you can write whatever you want in the following space.

You should write this new page in English. If you intend to write it in another language first, you can write a piece of text describing the situation, save it, and refer to the “Translating A Page” steps above.

If you happened to prefer using something called Markdown, you can enclose your Markdown content in <markdown></markdown>. Do note that Markdown isn't compatible with the visual editor.

For a full list of formatting options, you can look at the Syntax Guide

You can create a page below:

You are not allowed to add pages

Other Guidelines

For the Wiki Guidelines, please visit the corresponding page.

Your user page should belong in the respective category according to the Staff > Contributor > Builder priority. If you have the orange Contributor role and you are a builder as well, your page should be placed in the Contributor namespace.

If you have any questions, please ask for help in the #wiki-discussion channel in Discord. As per the Wiki Guidelines, Admins and Staff reserve the right to modify any pages as necessary to fit the guidelines. Please make sure to check back on this page ever so often, as editing requirements may be added and/or changed. As stated above, we reserve the right to continue to make changes to the operations and guidelines of the Wiki as we see fit. We appreciate constructive feedback, and can/will make changes as time goes on.

editing_guideline.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/24 10:56 by