All rules from the Minecraft Transit Railway Discord apply to this wiki. Some have modified wording for the Wiki, they are as follows:
Please be respectful! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Do not write, upload, or share content considered inappropriate, offensive, or NSFW (not safe for work). This can include (but is not limited to) racial slurs, excessive swearing, or politics. Be mindful of people from different backgrounds.
Do not ping any roles, especially moderators, staff, or admin. If you have a question, do not send direct messages to moderators, staff, or admin. Instead, ask questions in the Discord and we will gladly help you there.
Do not spam, use caps lock, or type repeating characters excessively. Sending or posting scam links will result in an instant ban.
Please do not advertise anywhere on this Wiki outside of Wiki pages for a server or resource pack (see rule 7). For advertisement, please only advertise in Discord in the appropriate channels. Do not advertise something that gives you direct monetary gain.
Don't upload or share copyrighted material that belongs to others. We do not endorse, promote, or offer support for cracked or pirated Minecraft launchers, clients or servers.
If you are interested in coding and development, feel free to talk to the staff about joining the modding-general channel in the Discord.
English is the main language of this community, but other languages may be used if necessary. Please respect staff when requested to use English. However, on the sidebar of each page, there are tabs for other languages. You are welcome and encouraged to translate and/or create pages in other languages
This mod is licensed with the MIT License, so you are free to modify and distribute it.
Please do not suggest new trains and avoid suggesting something that has already been mentioned. Suggestions are not to be posted to the Wiki, please see the Discord.
Images uploaded to the Discord server or the Wiki the banner vote may be used for the official Minecraft Transit Railway Twitter or other sites (such as CurseForge) for mod promotion.
If you get banned or muted for any reason, you may send an appeal to the admins via Discord.
Have fun! Thank you for contributing