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Wilds Railway (aka WR, 曠野鐵路) is a fictional railway company in Let's Play server, and was established on the 8th August 2022. Managed by Navi, one of the builder and staff.
The company is set to be the subsidiary of 'Suzuran Railways', the railway company that operates only in Navi_LX9702's private world.
Services Operated
[[/WR_SW_Plains_Line|WR SW Plains Line]]
Mimura Line
Yanyu Line
NE Llanmara Line
Wilds Railway Bus services
Wilds Railway - Lilypad Rail Overground Service
zh/mtr_letsplay/wilds_railway.1729299887.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/19 01:04 by cactusstudio