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zh:mtr_letsplay:lrt_801 [2024/05/12 01:22] – 创建 xpgdzh:mtr_letsplay:lrt_801 [2024/05/12 12:55] (current) xpgd
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-====== Lilac Light Rail Route 801 ======+====== (需要补充翻译)丽莲轻铁801线 ======
 **Lilac Light Rail Route 801** (Chinese: **麗蓮輕鐵801綫**) is a [[mtr_letsplay:lilac_light_rail|丽莲轻铁]] route connecting Light Rail Depot stop and Eden stop, and is jointly owned by Qingli Railways and Lilypad Rail. Although Route 801 is technically the first route built by Qingli Railways, the original route 801 is renamed into route 802. This route goes via Kallos, Karest Lake, New Red Leaves, towards Eden. **Lilac Light Rail Route 801** (Chinese: **麗蓮輕鐵801綫**) is a [[mtr_letsplay:lilac_light_rail|丽莲轻铁]] route connecting Light Rail Depot stop and Eden stop, and is jointly owned by Qingli Railways and Lilypad Rail. Although Route 801 is technically the first route built by Qingli Railways, the original route 801 is renamed into route 802. This route goes via Kallos, Karest Lake, New Red Leaves, towards Eden.
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 ===== Stations ===== ===== Stations =====
- ||^  Fare\\ Zone  ^  Name  ^  District  ^  Connections  |^  Opened  ^+  ||^  Fare\\ Zone  ^  Name  ^  District  ^  Connections  |^  Opened  ^
 |  @#F08A2D:<color white>**Lilac Light Rail Route 801**</color>  ||||||||| |  @#F08A2D:<color white>**Lilac Light Rail Route 801**</color>  |||||||||
 | @#F08A2D: |  @#F08A2D:<color white>-></color>  |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}  |  @#F7D0C9:\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ <color #DD5576>**<html><font size="4">1</font></html>**</color>  | Light Rail Depot\\ 輕鐵車廠 | Kallos |  [[lrt_483P|{{483p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_802|{{802.png?40}}]] [[lrt_804|{{804.png?40}}]] [[lrt_810|{{810.png?40}}]] [[lrt_882|{{882.png?40}}]]  || 10 October 2022 | | @#F08A2D: |  @#F08A2D:<color white>-></color>  |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}  |  @#F7D0C9:\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ <color #DD5576>**<html><font size="4">1</font></html>**</color>  | Light Rail Depot\\ 輕鐵車廠 | Kallos |  [[lrt_483P|{{483p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_802|{{802.png?40}}]] [[lrt_804|{{804.png?40}}]] [[lrt_810|{{810.png?40}}]] [[lrt_882|{{882.png?40}}]]  || 10 October 2022 |
-|  @#F08A2D:<color white>**<html><font size = "4">↑</font></html>**</color>  |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}\\ <color white>**<html><font size = "4">↓</font></html>**</color>  | ::: | ::: | ::: | Light Rail Depot |  <color white/#FE448F>**<html>&nbspGuri Bay Line&nbsp</html>**</color>  | ::: |+|  @#F08A2D:<color white>**<html><font size = "4">↑</font></html>**</color>   |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}\\ <color white>**<html><font size = "4">↓</font></html>**</color>  | ::: | ::: | ::: | Light Rail Depot |  <color white/#FE448F>**<html>&nbspGuri Bay Line&nbsp</html>**</color>  | ::: |
 |  @#F08A2D:<color white>**<html><font size = "4">↑</font></html>**</color>  | ::: |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}\\ <color white>**<html><font size = "4">↓</font></html>**</color>  | ::: | Royal Park\\ 皇家園 | ::: |  [[lrt_483P|{{483p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_802|{{802.png?40}}]] [[lrt_804|{{804.png?40}}]] [[lrt_810|{{810.png?40}}]] [[lrt_882|{{882.png?40}}]]  || 29 October 2023 | |  @#F08A2D:<color white>**<html><font size = "4">↑</font></html>**</color>  | ::: |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}\\ <color white>**<html><font size = "4">↓</font></html>**</color>  | ::: | Royal Park\\ 皇家園 | ::: |  [[lrt_483P|{{483p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_802|{{802.png?40}}]] [[lrt_804|{{804.png?40}}]] [[lrt_810|{{810.png?40}}]] [[lrt_882|{{882.png?40}}]]  || 29 October 2023 |
 | @#F08A2D: |  @#F08A2D:<color white><-</color>  |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}  | ::: | Kallos West\\ 麗灣西 | ::: |  [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_802|{{802.png?40}}]]  || 5 August 2022 | | @#F08A2D: |  @#F08A2D:<color white><-</color>  |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}  | ::: | Kallos West\\ 麗灣西 | ::: |  [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_802|{{802.png?40}}]]  || 5 August 2022 |
- || ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: |  Kallos  |  <color white/#0075DC>**<html>&nbspAT Metro&nbsp</html>**</color>\\ <color /#01B5CC>**<html>&nbsp<a href="" style="color:#FFFFFF;">Kallos Express</a>&nbsp</html>**</color>  | ::: |+  || ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: |  Kallos  |  <color white/#0075DC>**<html>&nbspAT Metro&nbsp</html>**</color>\\ <color /#01B5CC>**<html>&nbsp<a href="" style="color:#FFFFFF;">Kallos Express</a>&nbsp</html>**</color>  | ::: |
 | ::: | ::: |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}  | ::: | Kallos Mountain Forest\\ 麗山森林 | ::: |  [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_802|{{802.png?40}}]]  || ::: | | ::: | ::: |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}  | ::: | Kallos Mountain Forest\\ 麗山森林 | ::: |  [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_802|{{802.png?40}}]]  || ::: |
 | ::: | ::: |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}  | ::: | Karest Lake (East)\\ 麗林湖 (東) | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | | ::: | ::: |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}  | ::: | Karest Lake (East)\\ 麗林湖 (東) | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: |
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 | ::: | ::: |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}  | ::: | Yi Lok\\ 伊樂 | ::: |  [[lrt_101_2|{{102.png?40}}]] [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]]  || ::: | | ::: | ::: |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}  | ::: | Yi Lok\\ 伊樂 | ::: |  [[lrt_101_2|{{102.png?40}}]] [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]]  || ::: |
 | @#F08A2D: |  @#F08A2D:<color white><-</color>  | @#F08A2D: | ::: | ::: | ::: |  Yi Lok  |  <color white/#75193E>**<html>&nbspDai Yunlong Line&nbsp</html>**</color>  | ::: | | @#F08A2D: |  @#F08A2D:<color white><-</color>  | @#F08A2D: | ::: | ::: | ::: |  Yi Lok  |  <color white/#75193E>**<html>&nbspDai Yunlong Line&nbsp</html>**</color>  | ::: |
-|  @#F08A2D:<color white>**<html><font size = "4">↓</font></html>**</color>  |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}\\ <color white>**<html><font size = "4">↑</font></html>**</color>  | ::: | Yi Yao\\ 伊瑤 | ::: |  [[lrt_101_2|{{102.png?40}}]] [[lrt_115|{{115.png?40}}]] [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]]  || ::: |+|  @#F08A2D:<color white>**<html><font size = "4">↓</font></html>**</color>   |  @#F08A2D:{{wd.png?7&direct}}\\ <color white>**<html><font size = "4">↑</font></html>**</color>  | ::: | Yi Yao\\ 伊瑤 | ::: |  [[lrt_101_2|{{102.png?40}}]] [[lrt_115|{{115.png?40}}]] [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]]  || ::: |
 | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: |  Yi Yao  |  <color white/#FE448F>**<html>&nbspGuri Bay Line&nbsp</html>**</color>  | ::: | | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: |  Yi Yao  |  <color white/#FE448F>**<html>&nbspGuri Bay Line&nbsp</html>**</color>  | ::: |
 |  @#F08A2D:<color white>**<html><font size = "4">↓</font></html>**</color>  | ::: |  @#F08A2D:<color white>**<html><font size = "4">↑</font></html>**</color>  | ::: | Eden\\ 伊甸 | ::: |  [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]]  || ::: | |  @#F08A2D:<color white>**<html><font size = "4">↓</font></html>**</color>  | ::: |  @#F08A2D:<color white>**<html><font size = "4">↑</font></html>**</color>  | ::: | Eden\\ 伊甸 | ::: |  [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40}}]]  || ::: |
zh/mtr_letsplay/lrt_801.1715476973.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/12 01:22 by xpgd