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Joban Client Mod
Joban Client Mod is an MTR Addon, adding various decoration blocks from the Hong Kong MTR.
It is currently being maintained by the The District of Joban Administration/Governor team.
For the most up to date, and additional information regarding the content it provides, you may check the Joban Client Mod wiki.
Version 1.X
The Version 1 Series ranges from v1.0.0 to v1.2.2 with 22 feature/compatibility update release in between.
As of v1.2.2, it is based on Architectury and supports Minecraft Fabric/Forge 1.16.5 - 1.20.1.
It is no longer being developed as development work moves on to v2.
Version 2.X
The Version 2 Series is a completely rewritten version of Joban Client Mod, with the version number starting from v2.0.0, with the hopes of being easier to maintain, add features, and be more lightweight.
It is based on the rewritten version of the Minecraft Mappings project (Also used by MTR) to provide cross-version and modloader compatibility.
A beta version is available on Modrinth and GitHub, albeit with some missing blocks & features. The official release date is targeted to be the same as MTR 4.0.0 if time allows.