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CinderaceOTS's avatar “Pokémon SwSh Cinderace” as of 2023/5/17.
Known as OTS
Name basis Cinderace
Date since joining MTR Mod discord 1rd Dec, 2021
Roles Modders (2021/12/??~Present)
Let's Play Members (2022/8/??~Present)
Resource Pack Authors (2022/4/19~Present)
Train Operators (2021/12/1~Present)
Joining Order ???
birthday 17th may, 2001
Gender Male

CinderaceOTS(Same as Minecraft ID and Discord) is a member of the Minecraft Transit Railway Discord community. He claims he was the first Japanese to start playing MTR mods in October 2021, and is probably the first Japanese member to join the Discord community. He is also the owner of Shimano MTR and Terralith Rapid Transit, a railroad company that operates on Let's Play servers.

Also, before joining the Let's Play server, he was building a large railway line with vanilla and MTR.

mtr_users/cinderaceots.1684304407.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/17 06:20 by cinderaceots