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bdark.jpgBDark000's Minecraft skin
from Hypixel assassin Vinny
Also known as BDark
Cute Teddy Bear
Date Joining
MTR Mod Discord
22 April, 2021
Roles Staff
Github Contributor
Let's Play Members
Train Operators
Pronoun(s) He/Him

BDark000 aka BDark, is one of the staff in the Minecraft Transit Railway Discord community.

Before Joining MTR Community

Traincarts Periods

BDark has showed interest in Minecraft as early as in 2015, when there were a bunch of HK YouTubers featuring Minecraft. And the thought of building a railway in Minecraft starts when he saw a video introducing the traincarts plugin.

The enthusiasm didn't continue as traincarts only change the motion, add signalling and allowing stacking to vanilla minecarts. Slopes are limited to 45° due to restriction of Minecraft. Also, traincarts known to have a rounding issue which would cause minecarts to stuck after travelling for certain distance, jamming up the whole line.

RTM Periods

BDark knows more mods like traincraft, railcraft from a well-known Taiwanese gaming forum. However, the most appealing is the once legendary Real Train Mod (RTM). It has very realistic trains, trains movements, tracks, train sounds and allows creations of content through resource packs. BDark joins a Taiwanese RTM community, plays some maps and uses some packs there, then starts to build his own railway in a single player map (minecraft version 1.10.2 forge).

BDark first knows MTR mod from Jonathan's blogspot written in 2017. He has combined the MTR escalators and platform screen doors with RTM trains and tracks for building realistic stations and railways. However he loses interest after several months of work in the depot and the first station because RTM doesn't support automated trains and scheduling, building stations and manually driving trains without other visitors and other trains is lonely.

Enthusiasm is back again when he saw a video featuring MTR mod 3.0.0 beta version. Comparing to older versions, tracks are connected instead of placed, giving more choices to alignments. The dashboard mechanism supports automated trains and variable frequencies, and train sounds are added. Moreover, MTR mod is optimised enough and railways can be built in servers forming large networks. BDark then switches from RTM Community to MTR Community.

After Joining MTR Community

Centown Periods

MTR Mod Discord and Let's Play Periods

mtr_user/bdark000.1697448205.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/16 09:23 by bdark000