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mtr_letsplay:start [2024/11/26 04:23] – [Let's Play Server] cactusstudiomtr_letsplay:start [2025/01/10 07:17] (current) – Update longest journey time and state it as an expected time bdark000
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 It uses the Minecraft 1.18+ terrain generation system, and uses  [[|Terralith]] to make for a more varied landscape, using new biome variants. The beautiful scenery showcased in the overworld, in conjunction with the [[|Let's Play Series on Jonathan's YouTube Channel]] has attracted large swathes of visitors. It uses the Minecraft 1.18+ terrain generation system, and uses  [[|Terralith]] to make for a more varied landscape, using new biome variants. The beautiful scenery showcased in the overworld, in conjunction with the [[|Let's Play Series on Jonathan's YouTube Channel]] has attracted large swathes of visitors.
-Since 2022, the server has amassed over 100 lines, a wide cast of builders, an HSR network serving [[mtr_letsplay:spawn|Spawn]], [[mtr_letsplay:llanmara|Llanmara]], [[Kallos|Kallos]], [[mtr_letsplay:yankton|Yankton]], and the southwest through [[Danielston Memorial|Danielston Memorial]]. The longest journey between every two stations is less than 75 minutes((+Since 2022, the server has amassed over 100 lines, a wide cast of builders, an HSR network serving [[mtr_letsplay:spawn|Spawn]], [[mtr_letsplay:llanmara|Llanmara]], [[Kallos|Kallos]], [[mtr_letsplay:yankton|Yankton]], and the southwest through [[Danielston Memorial|Danielston Memorial]]. The longest journey between every two stations is expected to be less than 90 minutes((
 The longest time between two stations by rail is from Spawn to Yongchun on the Intercity Metro-Diagonally Line, at 9 minutes and 3 seconds. The longest time between two stations by rail is from Spawn to Yongchun on the Intercity Metro-Diagonally Line, at 9 minutes and 3 seconds.
 )). )).
mtr_letsplay/start.1732594995.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/26 04:23 by cactusstudio