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mtr_letsplay:modpack [2024/07/28 06:00] zbx1425mtr_letsplay:modpack [2024/10/12 16:46] (current) zbx1425
Line 51: Line 51:
 -javaagent:packwiz-installer-bootstrap-wrapper.jar= -javaagent:packwiz-installer-bootstrap-wrapper.jar=
 </code> </code>
-  * Assigning GiB or more to Java is recommended. To edit that, replace the "-Xmx*G" (for example -Xmx2G) part in the existing JVM arguments with "-Xmx6G" or more. \\ This is not "the more the better", you should consider the total amount of RAM installed on your computer and leave at least 4 GiBs to spare. (It is recommended to join with a computer with at least 16 GiBs of RAM.)+  * Assigning GiB or more to Java is recommended. To edit that, replace the "-Xmx*G" (for example -Xmx2G) part in the existing JVM arguments with "-Xmx8G" or more. \\ This is not "the more the better", you should consider the total amount of RAM installed on your computer and leave at least 4 GiBs to spare. (It is recommended to join with a computer with at least 16 GiBs of RAM.)
   * Get back to the Installations screen, and click the Play button next to this installation. Wait a bit and you'll see a window like this:   * Get back to the Installations screen, and click the Play button next to this installation. Wait a bit and you'll see a window like this:
mtr_letsplay/modpack.1722146448.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/28 06:00 by zbx1425