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CAF-Train Reformation Programme for Line 3 (Cyan Gray Line) [WIP]

Line 3 (Cyan Gray Line) will have MTR's CAF-Train solely as the rolling stock. Line 3 is running specially configured 6-car trains instead of the original 8-car arrangement. Therefore, the original 12 trainsets running on Tung Chung Line (TCL) and 11 trainsets running on the Airport Express (AEL) need reforming to get the 23 desired trainsets.

Car Formation of CAF-Trains after reformation
← To West Lake & Mita-Shiro To Llanmara & Airport →
V3xx(odd) - Z3xx(odd) + G3xx(odd) - F3xx (odd) + Z3xx(even) - V3xx(even)
xx refers to any number from 01 to 46
Car Prefix Driver's Cabin Pantograph/
Motor Cyan Car
(Premium class seating)
Automatic Coupler
V3xx O O O X X
Z3xx X X O X O
F3xx X X O O O
G3xx X O O O O

There are in broad 3 types of reformation, named Type A, Type B and Type C. Types A and B are further split into Type A1, Type A2, Type A3, Type B1 and Type B2.

Car Number
Change(s) New
Car Number
Type A1
TCL V8xx No Change V3xx (odd)
TCL Z8xx No Change Z3xx (odd)
AEL H2xx No Change G3xx (odd)
AEL F2xx Install automatic coupler F3xx (odd)
TCL W6xx Install automatic coupler Z3xx (even)
TCL V6xx No Change V3xx (even)
Type A2
TCL V8xx No Change V3xx (odd)
TCL Z8xx No Change Z3xx (odd)
AEL E1xx Uninstall driver's cabin G3xx (odd)
AEL F1xx Install automatic coupler F3xx (odd)
TCL W6xx Install automatic coupler Z3xx (even)
TCL V6xx No Change V3xx (even)
Type A3
Similar to Type A1, but the inverter is changed to Siemens SIBAC IGBT VVVF
Type B1
TCL Y7xx Install driver's cabin V3xx (odd)
TCL W7xx Install automatic coupler Z3xx (odd)
AEL E1xx Uninstall driver's cabin G3xx (odd)
AEL F1xx Install automatic coupler F3xx (odd)

AEL J4xx
Change to TCL like configuration:
Install 3 doors (Doors 1, 3, 5)
Remove coach seats, install lateral seats

Z3xx (even)
Install windows
Remove lugagge racks, install lateral seats
Type B2
Similar to Type B1, but the inverter is changed to Siemens SIBAC IGBT VVVF
Type C

Type C: AEL K4xx change to TCL spec renumber to V3xx (even), J4xx rotate 180° renumber to F3xx (odd), TCL one Y7xx install driver's cabin renumber to V3xx (odd), one W7xx install coupler renumber to Z3xx (odd), another Y7xx change to AEL spec renumber to G3xx (odd), another W7xx rotate 180° and install coupler renumber to Z3xx (even) - Total 1

MTR Mod's Super Hybrid used in non-electrified sections
mtr_letsplay/caf_reformation.1703515938.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/25 14:52 by bdark000