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CAF-Train Reformation Programme for Line 3 (Cyan Gray Line) [WIP]

Type A1: TCL V8xx-Z8xx renumber V3xx-Z3xx (odd), V6xx-W6xx install coupler on W6xx renumber V3xx-Z3xx (even), AEL H2xx-F2xx install coupler on F2xx, renumber to G3xx-F3xx (odd) - Total 11 Type A2: AEL E1xx remove driver's cabin, install coupler on F1xx, renumber to G3xx-F3xx (odd), TCL V8xx-renumber V3xx-Z3xx (odd), V6xx-W6xx install coupler on W6xx renumber V3xx-Z3xx (even) - Total 1 Type B: AEL K4xx change to TCL spec (install windows, remove lugagge racks) renumber to V3xx (even), J4xx Type C: TCL Y7xx install driver's cabin, renumber to V3xx (odd)

mtr_letsplay/caf_reformation.1703350705.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/23 16:58 by bdark000