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mtr_extra:making_a_resourcepack [2024/01/27 17:17] – ↷ Page moved and renamed from mtr_extra:resourcepack:make to mtr_extra:making_a_resourcepack sleepy_sapphmtr_extra:making_a_resourcepack [2024/02/21 10:28] (current) – fixed incorrect link for texture file downloads szandorthe13th
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 ==== Train textures ==== ==== Train textures ====
   - Download an image editing software of your choice, that supports transparency. Recommended are Paint 3D and GIMP, as they are both free and relatively easy to use. **Do not** use MS Paint, because it **does not** support transparency and will cause all transparent parts of your texture to turn white   - Download an image editing software of your choice, that supports transparency. Recommended are Paint 3D and GIMP, as they are both free and relatively easy to use. **Do not** use MS Paint, because it **does not** support transparency and will cause all transparent parts of your texture to turn white
-  - Go to [[]] and download the texture file you want to edit+  - Go to [[]] and download the texture file you want to edit
   - Open your image editing software, find the texture you want to edit, then open it and start making your edits   - Open your image editing software, find the texture you want to edit, then open it and start making your edits
   - When you're done, export the texture file as a PNG to your resourcepack, and put it in the appropriate folder (re-read the section above on making a resourcepack if you're unsure of how and where)   - When you're done, export the texture file as a PNG to your resourcepack, and put it in the appropriate folder (re-read the section above on making a resourcepack if you're unsure of how and where)
mtr_extra/making_a_resourcepack.1706375861.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/27 17:17 by sleepy_sapph