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mtr_community:unitedcitiesrailways:mrw [2024/01/26 13:49] – THIS IS NOT SUBJECTIVE BECAUSE I AM THE OWNER OF THIS COMPANY AND THESE ARE ACTUALLY MY IDEALS AS COMPANY OWNER K THANKS BYE szandorthe13thmtr_community:unitedcitiesrailways:mrw [2024/01/30 18:14] (current) – slettet sleepy_sapph
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-====== Moszyan Railways (United Cities Railways) ====== 
-<WRAP right> 
-|  @#B0B0BE: **Moszyan Railways**  || 
-| {{:mtr_community:mosyzan_logo.png?250}} || 
-|  @#B0B0BE: **Overview**  || 
-| **Owner** | [[mtr_community:szandorthe13th|szandorthe13th]] | 
-| **Based at** || 
-| Mayrowe-Anemone, Centralia || 
-| **Transit type** | Railway Transport | 
-| **Train models** | 7 | 
-| **Active lines** | 0 | 
-===== Info ===== 
-[[mtr_community:unitedcitiesrailways:mrw|Moszyan Railways]] is a railway operator originating in [[mtr_community:centralia|Centralia]]. It was established as a union of the former CityLink and Trident Railways, to ensure a consistent designs across all forms of transport it operates. The company is one of the oldest in the server, and has gained a reputation for making sure to work together anywhere possible. In season 3, it plans to use the mayor system to ensure a logical and accessible mainline, while respecting each city's usual railway culture. 
-===== Services ===== 
-|  @#B0B0BE: **Line Name**  |  @#B0B0BE: **Status**  |  @#B0B0BE: **Starting Station**  |  @#B0B0BE: **Terminus Station**  | 
-|  [[mtr_community:unitedcitiesrailways:lines:gtayellow|GTA Yellow Line]]  |  WIP  |  [[mtr_community:unitedcitiesrailways:stations:outerpalma|Outer Palma]]  |  [[mtr_community:unitedcitiesrailways:stations:ashfieldwest|Ashfield West]]  | 
-|  [[mtr_community:unitedcitiesrailways:lines:gtayellow|GTA Yellow Line Peak Hour]]  |  WIP  |  [[mtr_community:unitedcitiesrailways:stations:sonorarivertransfer|Sonora River Transfer]]  |  [[mtr_community:unitedcitiesrailways:stations:komplex|Komplex]]  | 
-===== Fleet ===== 
-|  @#B0B0BE:**Train Class**  |  @#B0B0BE:**Train Model**  |  @#B0B0BE:**Operating on**  |  @#B0B0BE:**Depot Location**  | 
-|  LRC  |  S43-Tec LRV 2010  |    |    | 
-|  GNUS  |  BVG Class H  |  GTA Yellow Line  |  Outer Palma Sidings  | 
-|  :::  |  :::  |  GTA Yellow Line Peak Hour  |  Sonora River Depot  | 
-|  OHS  |  BR Class 508  |    |    | 
-|  OLS  |  BR Class 378  |    |    | 
-|  RMS  |  Stadler FLIRT 3  |    |    | 
-|  ICFR  |  Yuunitetsu 701  |    |    | 
-|  LDC  |  Siemens Vectron  |    |    | 
-===== Screenshots ===== 
mtr_community/unitedcitiesrailways/mrw.1706276947.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/26 13:49 by szandorthe13th