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Navi's avatar “Roy: The day he plays with Lilina as of 12/10/2023. (credits: nameMC)
Known as LX9702_UV6921
こども リンク(Kodomo Rinku, Lit: Child Link)2)
Name basis Navi
Date since joining MTR Mod discord 23rd May, 2021
Roles  Staff (4/1/2023~Present) 
 Let's Play Team (13/9/2024~Present) 
 Moderator (17/11/2022~4/1/2023) 
 Modders (?~Present) 
 Let's Play Members (28/7/2022~Present) 
 Resource Pack Authors (?~Present) 
 OG 500 GANG (13/8/2021~Present) 
 Train Operators (23/5/2021~Present) 
Joining Order 250
Gender Male

Navi (Pronounced NAH-VEE) is a staff in the Minecraft Transit Railway Discord community. He claims that he starts playing MTR mod from 2.0 era in 2018, and is the 250th member to join the discord community, from 23rd May 2021.

User contribution to the mod

Towards the main mod

This user has not contribute anything to the mod yet.

Towards the community

Only being mentioned once by Jonathan, not preferred as this is more usually referring to LX86.
Old Facebook account name.
mtr_community/staff/navi_lx9702.1726422053.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/15 17:40 by navi_lx9702