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Moszyan Railways (Centralia)

Moszyan Railways
Owner szandorthe13th
Based at
TMT Complex, Mayrowe-Anemone
Transit type Overground Trains
Train models 3
Active lines 2


Moszyan Railways is the youngest operator in the city of Centralia, being the only currently active one created in 2023. It was created after szandorthe13th took over the Maids Moreton Line from Centralia Rail to extend it and turn it into a full line. This line would end up being the Trident Line. Due to this identity, the operator originally had called itself “Trident Railways” as well. This can still be seen on the EOD release of Centralia, where the Trident Line is referred to with the prefix “TR”. After construction of Mayrowe Central, with new signage for all of the previous stations on the line, it was officially renamed to Moszyan Railways. Moszyan Railways also co-owns the section of the Eula Line between Garbeck and Anemone Bay, as the extension of the line moved the sidings over to the TMT Complex, which happens to be Moszyan Railways' headquarters.



Train Model Operating on Depot Location
LU 1995 Stock (Eula Line) Eula Line (Stopper) TMT Complex Sidings
Eula Line (Express)
CR Class 508 (Trident Line) Returned to CR
MRW Class 378 Trident Line TMT Complex Depot
MRW Class 378 (Trident Line) Trident Line TMT Complex Depot


Moszyan Railways Class 378 in Trident Line livery arriving at Mayrowe Central.
The Mayrowe Train Maintenance Terminal, also known as the TMT Complex, hosts the sidings for the Eula and Trident Lines, as well as the Moszyan Railways headquarters.
Stanshaw Pass was the first station officially opened by Trident Railways, later Moszyan Railways.
mtr_community/centralia/mrw.1700019348.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/15 03:35 by szandorthe13th