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mtr_community:centralia:mrw [2023/11/08 09:27] – Added lines table szandorthe13thmtr_community:centralia:mrw [2024/01/29 19:05] (current) – Deleted leftover Centralia pages sleepy_sapph
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-====== Moszyan Railways (Centralia) ====== 
-<WRAP right> 
-|  @#FF7F00: **Moszyan Railways**  || 
-| {{:mtr_community:mosyzan_logo.png?250}} || 
-|  @#FF7F00: **Overview**  || 
-| **Owner** | [[mtr_community:szandorthe13th|szandorthe13th]] | 
-| **Based at** || 
-| TMT Complex, Mayrowe-Anemone || 
-| **Transit type** | Overground Trains | 
-| **Train models** | 3 | 
-| **Number of lines** | 2 | 
-===== Info ===== 
-[[mtr_community:centralia:mrw|Moszyan Railways]] is the youngest operator in the city of [[mtr_community:centralia|Centralia]], being the only currently active one created in 2023. It was created after [[mtr_community:szandorthe13th|szandorthe13th]] took over the [[mtr_community:centralia:cr:maidsmoretonline|Maids Moreton Line]] from [[mtr_community:centralia:cr|Centralia Rail]] to extend it and turn it into a full line. This line would end up being the [[mtr_community:centralia:mrw:tridentline|Trident Line]]. Due to this identity, the operator originally had called itself "Trident Railways" as well. This can still be seen on the EOD release of [[mtr_community:centralia|Centralia]], where the [[mtr_community:centralia:mrw:tridentline|Trident Line]] is referred to with the prefix "TR". After construction of [[mtr_community:centralia:stations:mayrowecentral|Mayrowe Central]], with new signage for all of the previous stations on the line, it was officially renamed to [[mtr_community:centralia:mrw|Moszyan Railways]]. [[mtr_community:centralia:mrw|Moszyan Railways]] also co-owns the section of the [[mtr_community:centralia:cmr:eulaline|Eula Line]] between [[mtr_community:centralia:stations:garbeck|Garbeck]] and [[mtr_community:centralia:stations:anemonebay|Anemone Bay]], as the extension of the line moved the sidings over to the TMT Complex, which happens to be [[mtr_community:centralia:mrw|Moszyan Railways]]' headquarters. 
-===== Lines ===== 
-|  @#FF7F00: **Line Name**  |  @#FF7F00: **Status**  |  @#FF7F00: **Starting Station**  |  @#FF7F00: **Terminus Station**  | 
-|  @#4D77CB:Trident Line West Tooth  |  Incomplete  |  [[mtr_community:centralia:stations:buckingham|Buckingham]]  |  [[mtr_community:centralia:stations:blackmesa|Black Mesa]]  | 
-|  @#4D77CB:Trident Line Central Tooth  |  Operational  |  [[mtr_community:centralia:stations:mayrowecentral|Mayrowe Central]]  |  [[mtr_community:centralia:stations:buckingham|Buckingham]]  | 
-|  @#4D77CB:Trident Line East Tooth  |  Operational  |  [[mtr_community:centralia:stations:buckingham|Buckingham]]  |  [[mtr_community:centralia:stations:lendertonisland|Lenderton Island]]  | 
-|  @#0098D8:Eula Line (Stopper)  |  Operational  |  [[mtr_community:centralia:stations:anemonebay|Anemone Bay]]  |  [[mtr_community:centralia:stations:astley|Astley]]  | 
-|  @#0098D8:Eula Line (Express)  |  Operational  |  [[mtr_community:centralia:stations:lendertonbridge|Lenderton Bridge]]  |  [[mtr_community:centralia:stations:electricavenue|Electric Avenue]]  | 
-===== Fleet ===== 
-|  @#FF7F00:**Train Model**  |  @#FF7F00:**Operating on**  |  @#FF7F00:**Depot Location**  | 
-|  LU 1996 Stock (Eula Line)  |  @#0098D8:Eula Line (Stopper)  |  TMT Complex Sidings  | 
-| ::: |  @#0098D8:Eula Line (Express)  | ::: | 
-|  CR Class 508 (Trident Line)  |  Returned to CR  || 
-|  MRW Class 378  |  @#4D77CB:Trident Line  |  TMT Complex Depot  | 
-|  MRW Class 378 (Trident Line)  |  @#4D77CB:Trident Line  |  TMT Complex Depot  | 
-===== Screenshots ===== 
-|//  Moszyan Railways Class 378 in Trident Line livery arriving at Mayrowe Central.  //| 
-|//  The Mayrowe Train Maintenance Terminal, also known as the TMT Complex, hosts the sidings for the Eula and Trident Lines, as well as the Moszyan Railways headquarters. //| 
-|//  Stanshaw Pass was the first station officially opened by Trident Railways, later Moszyan Railways.  //| 
mtr_community/centralia/mrw.1699435663.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/08 09:27 by szandorthe13th