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How do i install aditional addons for the MTR mod?

There are currently 4 avaible addons for MTR

MSD (aka: Station Deco. Addon)

A decorative mod that adds new Signs, PIDS and Catenary.


NTE (aka: Nemo´s transit expansion)

Joban (aka: Joban Client Mod)

RCC (aka: Reality City Construction)

Reality City Construction is a module created by Yaoxiansen and MSnj, named after Yaoxiansen. After a year of production, the module has been basically improved.

The module adds blocks for lines and urban construction, tactile paving, platform blocks, etc. In the future, domestic subway facilities such as gates and security checkpoints will also be added.

mtr_addon/start.1690421070.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/27 01:24 by apg_doors