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NTE: Nemo's Transit Expansion
NTE (Nemo's Transit Expansion) is a mod that includes a number of experimental expansion features to buttress the usability of the Minecraft Transit Railway mod. Developed by Zbx1425 (also known as Nemo), a contributor for the main MTR mod, the mod aims to showcase the creator's ideas and features within an addon mod. The mod is planned to be merged into the main MTR mod at some point in the future. The mod enhances the core functionality of the MTR mod and allows for testing of the experimental features before said eventual merge. The MTR mod can be found on Curseforge as well as on Modrinth. Nemo's Transit Expansion can be found on Modrinth only.
The mod was initially debuted at Teacon 2022 模组开发茶会 under the name "MTRSteamLoco". It received the honour of “癫火之王” at the convention. In fact, the name "MTRSteamLoco" remains in the mod's internal name, as all blocks have the prefix "mtrsteamloco:".
NTE has a number of notable features, including but not limited to:
- 3D multifaceted track rendering, including resource pack support for custom track models
- New built-in trains: Japanese D51 steam locomotive and Beijing Subway DK3 class train, featuring detailed wheel and train crew animations created using NTE's dedicated backend code.
Support for importing OBJ models, and assisting resource pack creators in designing more intricate models. These can be imported both as vehicle models (trains, planes, etc.) or placeable objects using the "Decoration Object" item in game.
There are also a number of features that aid in video production, most notably the ability to hide the train on which you are riding. A number of videos have been made using this feature, including ones made by Jonathan Ho, the creator of the MTR mod.
Make sure to refer to the page on the mod's Features for more information. (Read carefully!).
请参见 下载。
在服务器上使用 NTE 自带的或以资源包导入的含 OBJ 模型的列车时,其他没有安装 NTE 和对应资源包的玩家将不能看到这列车。
OBJ 模型导入支持
通过新技术,NTE 为在 MTR 中使用 OBJ 格式的模型提供了支持。受益于新制的渲染系统,渲染性能更高,使用面数很高的精细模型时也不会造成很多卡顿。详见 OBJ 模型相关适配 。