**Welcome to the official Minecraft Transit Railway Wiki!**\\ This is a community run and maintained wiki that contains information about all things related to the MTR. | @#b42249: || | **Minecraft Transit Railway Mod**\\ Minecraft Transit Railway is a Minecraft mod that adds the ability to create fully automated public transport systems, ranging from trains to cable cars & planes! || | **Changelogs & Downloads**\\ **Latest Stable Version:** [[mtr:3.2.x|3.2.2]]\\ **Latest Beta Version:** [[mtr:4.0.x|4.0.0-beta-12]] | **Getting Started**\\ The [[mtr:getting_started|Getting Started]] guide is a good place to start for newcomers. \\ You can also follow the [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp0jZgheSlXv_vjilwnbrOtdbmgvz1VkC|video tutorial series]] which shows how you get your own transit network up and running. | | **Addon Mods**\\ Various community-made addon mod exists which adds new blocks, items and more that integrates with the MTR Mod.\\ Please visit the [[https://addons.minecrafttransitrailway.com/#/|Addon page]] for a list of addon mods. | **Addon Contents**\\ Additional vehicles and signage can be added to MTR through the use of a Resource Packs.\\ See [[mtr_extra:start|Resource Packs]] for the general development process.\\ Please visit the [[https://addons.minecrafttransitrailway.com/#/|Addon page]] for a list of community-made contents. | | **Expansion & Development**\\ Looking into making your MTR Addons and tools integrating with the MTR Mod?\\ Check out the [[mtr:development|development page]], which contains API references and documentation of the various projects used by the MTR Mod. || | @#b42249: || | **MTR Community** || | **Let's Play Server**\\ This is the official MTR Minecraft server where builders build upon a continuously expanding network. The network is open to the public for visitors to explore.\\ For more information, please check out the [[mtr_letsplay:start|Let's Play Server]] page. | **Community-Run Server**\\ Various community-hosted Minecraft servers that utilizes the MTR Mod are available.\\ Please visit [[mtr_community:server:start|Community Servers]] for a short list of the available servers. | | **Individuals**\\ You can checkout a list of [[mtr_community:staff:start|MTR Staff]], [[mtr_community:contributors:start|Mod Contributors]] and [[mtr_community:builders:start|Let's Play Builders]] here. | **Contributing to the Wiki**\\ We are open to any and all contributions from community members! If you'd like to contribute, please ensure you have read the [[wiki:syntax|Syntax Guide]], [[:editing_guideline|Editing Guidelines]], and [[:wiki_rules|Wiki Guidelines]]. |