====== Moszyan Railways ======
Attention! In 2025, at the completion of the Western Mainline as projected, a new schedule will start for all Moszyan Railways railway services. To know what this means for you, keep a good eye on the Moszyan Railways line information thread on the discord server.
| @#B0B0BE: **Moszyan Railways** ||
| {{:mtr_community:mosyzan_logo.png?250}} ||
| @#B0B0BE: **Overview** ||
| **Owner** | [[mtr_community:staff:szandorthe13th|szandorthe13th]] |
| **Based at** ||
| Mayrowe-Anemone, Centralia ||
| **Transit type** | Railway Transport |
| **Train models** | 9 |
| **Active lines** | 5 |
===== Info =====
[[mtr_letsplay:mrw|Moszyan Railways]] is a railway operator originating in [[mtr_community:server:centralia|Centralia]]. It was established as a union of the former CityLink and Trident Railways, to ensure a consistent designs across all forms of transport it operates. It was granted entry to the Let's Play network on December 9th 2023. As of 2024, it is working on a centralised transport hub in the city of **'s Riddershoven**.
===== Services =====
| @#B0B0BE: **Service Type** | @#B0B0BE: **Status** | @#B0B0BE: **Starting Station** | @#B0B0BE: **Terminus Station** |
| @#CC3733: **Bus** (393) | Operational | [[mtr_letsplay:leeton|Leeton, Station]] | [[mtr_letsplay:sangcheon|Sangcheon, Station]] |
| @#BEEDFF: **Metro**\\ (Starlight Line) | Partially Operational | [[mtr_letsplay:badgerstown|Badgerstown]] | [[mtr_letsplay:turtlebay|Turtle Bay]] |
| @#0063D3: **Sprinter** | Operational | [[mtr_letsplay:hylkemare|Hylkemare]] | [[mtr_letsplay:royalpark|Kallos Royal Park]] |
| @#0063D3: **Sprinter** | Partially Operational | [[mtr_letsplay:yongchun|Rikkashi Yongchun]] | [[mtr_letsplay:culcairn|Culcairn]]\\ //>> [[mtr_letsplay:collinsstreet|Albury Collins Street]]// |
| @#FFC917: **Intercity** | Partially Operational | [[mtr_letsplay:yongchun|Rikkashi Yongchun]]\\ //<< [[mtr_letsplay:denhofcentraal|Den Hof Centraal]]// | [[mtr_letsplay:waggawagga|Wagga Wagga]]\\ //>> [[mtr_letsplay:collinsstreet|Albury Collins Street]]// |
===== Lines =====
| @#B0B0BE: **Line Name** | @#B0B0BE: **Status** | @#B0B0BE: **Starting Station** | @#B0B0BE: **Terminus Station** |
| [[mtr_letsplay:starlightline|Starlight Line]] | Partially Operational | [[mtr_letsplay:badgerstown|Badgerstown]] | [[mtr_letsplay:turtlebay|Turtle Bay]] |
| [[mtr_letsplay:fryskeline|Fryske Line]] | Operational | [[mtr_letsplay:hylkemare|Hylkemare]] | [[mtr_letsplay:royalpark|Kallos Royal Park]] |
| [[mtr_letsplay:riverinaline|Riverina Line]] | Partially Operational | [[mtr_letsplay:gapyeong|Gapyeong]] | [[mtr_letsplay:collinsstreet|Albury Collins Street]] |
| [[mtr_letsplay:westernmainline|Western Mainline]] | Partially Operational | [[mtr_letsplay:denhofcentraal|Den Hof Centraal]] | [[mtr_letsplay:gapyeong|Gapyeong]] |
===== Fleet =====
| @#B0B0BE:**Vehicle Class** | @#B0B0BE:**Vehicle Model** | @#B0B0BE:**Operating on** | @#B0B0BE:**Depot Location** |
| | VDL Citea LLE-120 | RNET Bus 393 | Leeton Bus Shed |
| NLRT | LIGHTACE 1999T | | |
| GNUS | BVG Class H | | |
| AM7 | Amsterdam M7 | [[mtr_letsplay:fryskeline|Fryske Line]] | Rykkam Siding |
| RDM | NSW Xplorer DMU | [[mtr_letsplay:riverinaline|Riverina Sprinter]] | Yongchun Sidings |
| OHS | BR Class 508 | | |
| OLS | BR Class 378 | [[mtr_letsplay:riverinaline|Riverina Sprinter]] | Yongchun Sidings |
| RMS | Stadler FLIRT 3 | [[mtr_letsplay:fryskeline|Fryske Line]] | Royal Park Depot |
| ::: | ::: | [[mtr_letsplay:riverinaline|Riverina Sprinter]] | Yongchun Sidings |
| ICFR | Yuunitetsu 701 | | |
| HSDD | NS VIRM | [[mtr_letsplay:riverinaline|Riverina Intercity]] | Temporary Sidings |
===== Screenshots =====
|{{mtr_letsplay:froastepoarte.png?1000|Froastepoarte Station, as seen from a somewhat birds-eye view. On a rare occasion like this, all platforms are occupied.}}|
|//Froastepoarte was the first station constructed by Szandor, overhauled from the original Lilac Light Rail stop to look like Lansingerland-Zoetermeer.//|
|{{mtr_letsplay:hylkemareplatforms.png?1000|Hylkemare Station, as seen from the back wall of the station building, just past the paygates.}}|
|//Hylkemare is the first main transit hub on the network, with the 7 eastbound platforms planned for future use.//|
|{{mtr_letsplay:hylkemarewieringawijk.png?1000|GET BOSKOOP SNIJDELWIJK'D}}|
|//Hylkemare Wieringawijk is kind of a double joke, the length of the name is a reference to Leeuwarden Camminghaburen, considering the main station is built after Leeuwarden, but the station itself is a relatively accurate replica of the community's favorite dutch meme station, Boskoop Snijdelwijk.//|