====== Lilac Light Rail Route 804 ======
**Lilac Light Rail Route 804** (Chinese: **麗蓮輕鐵804綫**) is a [[lilac_light_rail]] route connecting Light Rail Depot stop and Taipa stop, and is jointly owned by [[lilypad_rail]] and [[qingli_railways|Qingli Railways]].
^ Lilac Light Rail Route 804\\ 麗蓮輕鐵804綫 |^
| @#517BFF: ||
| {{804_scrn.png?300&direct}}\\ A Light Rail Phase I train\\ at Kallos stop (November 2023) ||
^ Overview |^
| **Operate location** | Kallos\\ New Buckingham |
| **Transit type** | Light Rail Transit |
| **System** | [[lilac_light_rail]] |
| **Status** | Operational |
| **Starting stop** | Light Rail Depot |
| **Terminus** | Taipa |
^ Technical |^
| **Character** | At-grade\\ Underground |
| **Maximum speed** | 60km/h |
| **Number of stations** | 9|
| **Track gauge** | 1435mm\\ (4 ft 0.5 in)\\ standard gauge |
| **Electrification** | 750 DC Third Rail |
| **Depot** | Taipa Depot |
| **Rolling stock** | Light Rail Phase I\\ Light Rail Phase II |
| **Number of cars** | 2 |
^ Service |^
| **Opened** | 2 November 2023 |
| **Owner(s)** | [[qingli_railways|Qingli Railways]]\\ [[mtr_letsplay:lilypad_rail|Lilypad Rail]] |
| **Operator(s)** | [[qingli_railways|Qingli Railways]] |
===== History =====
On 20 October 2023, [[qingli_railways|Qingli Railways]] released the "Lilac Light Rail Reform Plan 2023", and Route 804 is included in this plan, running between Kallos and Light Rail Depot, which forms a circulating route similar to [[lrt_505|route 505]].
On 25 October 2023, Route 804 is decided to extend to Taipa via 3 new stations, Mou Lun, Casper Lake and Pai Kok, and 2 existing stations, Royal Park and Humugath.
On 1 November 2023, Kallos stop is removed from routes [[lrt_801|801]], [[lrt_802|802]] and [[lrt_802|802S]] in order to prepare for the opening of route 804.
On 2 November 2023, the connection between Humugath and Royal Park, and the new connection from Light Rail Depot to Kallos, and to Royal Park is completed. Route 804 is then fully operational.
On 3 November 2023, Hong Sing Mountain Base station was retrofitted to allow connection to the Hong Sing Mountain Village Cable Car for access to the village atop the mountain, at whose base the LRT sits.
===== Stations =====
^ Fare Zone ^ Name ^ District ^ Connections |^ Opened ^
| @#517BFF:**Lilac Light Rail Route 804** ||||||
| @#F7D0C9:\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ **1** | Light Rail Depot\\ 輕鐵車廠 | Kallos | [[lrt_483P|{{483p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_801|{{801.png?40}}]] [[lrt_802|{{802.png?40}}]] [[lrt_810|{{810.png?40}}]] [[lrt_882|{{882.png?40}}]] || 10 October 2022 |
| ::: | ::: | ::: | Light Rail Depot | ** Guri Bay Line ** | ::: |
| ::: | Kallos\\ 麗灣 | ::: | Kallos | ** AT Metro **\\ ** Kallos Express ** | 5 August 2022 |
| ::: | Royal Park\\ 皇家園 | ::: | [[lrt_483P|{{483p.png?40}}]] [[lrt_801|{{801.png?40}}]] [[lrt_802|{{802.png?40}}]] [[lrt_810|{{810.png?40}}]] [[lrt_882|{{882.png?40}}]] || 29 October 2023 |
| ::: | Mou Lun\\ 霧巒 | ::: | || 2 November 2023 |
| ::: | Casper Lake\\ 急蛇湖 | ::: | ::: | ::: | ::: |
| ::: | Hong Sing Mountain Base\\ 寒星山腳 | New Buckingham | Hong Sing Mountain Village Cable Car || 3 November 2023 |
| ::: | Pai Kok\\ 排角 | ::: | || 2 November 2023 |
| ::: | Humugath\\ 洪穆伽思 | ::: | [[lrt_633|{{633.png?40}}]] || 7 May 2023 |
| ::: | Taipa\\ 氹仔 | ::: | [[lrt_633|{{633.png?40}}]] || ::: |
| ::: | ::: | ::: | Taipa South | ** AT Regional ** | ::: |
===== Fare Zones =====
-      Fare Zone 1: Light Rail Depot ⇄ Taipa \\ Route 804 can meet up with other routes: 483P, 633, 801, 802, 810, 882
===== Independent Sections =====
- Track section between Light Rail Depot and Humugath
===== Reference Pages =====
- [[lilac_light_rail]] \\ - [[lrt_801]] \\ - [[lrt_802]] \\ - [[lrt_633]]