======Lilac Light Rail Route 102/101====== **Lilac Light Rail Route 101/102** (Chinese: **麗蓮輕鐵102/ 101綫**) are 2 circular routes jointly owned by Qingli Railways and [[lilypad_rail]], set up in Eden area, mainly connecting transit hubs within the Eden area, but not stop at Eden stop. Routes 101 and 102 are actually the same route, but in different directions. Route 101 is in clockwise direction; while Route 102 is in anti-clockwise direction. Route 101 is discontinued since the full operation of [[lrt_814|route 801P]]. ^ Lilac Light Rail Route 102/101\\ 麗蓮輕鐵102/ 101綫 ^^ |@#4D4BEE:|| |@#4CEDD3:|| | {{101_scrn.png?300&direct}} || ^ Overview ^^ |**Operate location**|Eden| |**Transit type**|Light Rail Transit| |**System**|[[lilac_light_rail]]| |**Status**|Operational| |**Terminus**|N/A| ^ Technical ^^ |**Character**|At-grade\\ Underground| |**Maximum speed**|60km/h| |**Number of stations**|4| |**Track gauge**|1435mm\\ (4 ft 0.5 in)\\ standard gauge| |**Electrification**|750 DC Third Rail| |**Depot**|Eden Light Rail Depot| |**Rolling stock**|Light Rail Phase I| |**Number of cars**|2| ^ Service ^^ |**Opened**|20 August 2022, 1 year ago| |**Discontinued**|(101) 8 November 2023| |**Owner(s)**|Qingli Railways\\ [[mtr_letsplay:lilypad_rail|Lilypad Rail]]| |**Operator(s)**|Qingli Railways| =====History===== On 20 August 2022, Route 101 and 102 completed together with [[lrt_801|route 801]] extension to Eden stop. At that time trains goes back to sidings after completing a loop back to Yi Lok stop, to maintain a stable frequency of 3 minutes. On 31 August 2022, the siding arrangement has been cancelled. Trains thus continue to run after arriving at Yi Lok. The frequency is increased to 2 minutes. On 15 November 2022, MPL 85 trains start to run on this route. The original Light Rail Trains were moved to Kallos Light Rail Depot. According to "Lilac Light Rail Reform Plan 2023", Route 101 will be removed when [[lrt_801|route 801P]] goes into operation, as it’s use can be replaced by alternate transportation methods. Route 102 will be kept to service some important connections. The MPL 85 trains are planned to be replaced by Light Rail Phase 1 trains with CLR livery. The MPL 85 trains will be moved to run on Sei Mei APM. On 8 November 2023, as [[lrt_814|route 814]] went fully operational, 101 is removed. At the same time, the Railway Vision MPL 85 train in route 102 is changed to Centown Livery Light Rail Phase I. =====Stations===== ^ ^ Fare\\ Zone ^ Name ^ District ^ Connections ^^ Opened ^ | @#EEEEEE:
Lilac Light Rail Route 102/101

||||||| | @#4D4BEE:{{wd.png?7&direct}}\\ **** | @#FEFCE5:\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ **2** |Yi Sin\\ 伊茜|Kallos| [[lrt_801|{{801.png?40&direct}}]] [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40&direct}}]] ||20 August 2022| | @#4D4BEE:{{wd.png?7&direct}}\\ **** |:::|Yi Lok\\ 伊樂|:::| [[lrt_801|{{801.png?40&direct}}]] [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40&direct}}]] ||:::| |:::|:::|:::|:::| Yi Lok | ** Dai Yunlong Line ** |:::| | @#4D4BEE:{{wd.png?7&direct}}\\ **** |:::|Yi Yao\\ 伊瑤|:::| [[lrt_115|{{115.png?40&direct}}]] [[lrt_801|{{801.png?40&direct}}]] [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40&direct}}]] ||:::| |:::|:::|:::|:::| Yi Yao | ** Guri Bay Line ** |:::| | @#4D4BEE:{{wd.png?7&direct}}\\ **** |:::|Izu\\ 伊茲|:::| [[lrt_115|{{115.png?40&direct}}]] [[lrt_814|{{801p.png?40&direct}}]] ||:::| =====Independent Sections===== - Track section from Yi Sin to Izu \\ - Track section from Yi Lok to Yi Yao =====Fare Zones of stations along route 102===== -      Fare Zone 2: Yi Lok -> Yi Yao -> Yi Lok \\ Route 102 can meet up with other light rail routes: 115, 801, 801P