====== SzandorThe13th ====== | @#6D59A0: **SzandorThe13th** ||| | {{ :mtr_community:szandor_default.png?300 }}Szandor's avatar as of November 2nd 2023. It represents a\\ minecraft version of himself, including clothes derived from\\ those he wore when the skin was created. ||| | @#6D59A0: **Profile** ||| | **Known as** | Szandor || | ::: | Szan((i stopped asking people not to shorten my name like this after a while)) || | **MTR Discord Join Date** | January 2nd, 2023 || | **Roles** | @#3498DB:Staff | (28/03/2025) | | ::: | @#11ABAB:Support Team | (18/09/2024) | | ::: | Modders | (23/06/2023) | | ::: | Let's Play Builders | (09/12/2023) | | ::: | Resource Pack Authors | (23/06/2023) | | ::: | Train Operators | (02/01/2023) | | **Lets Play Franchises** | @#B0B0BE:Moszyan Railways / Moszyan Transport || | ::: | @#CC3733:R-net || | ::: | @#688FE5:DER Bahn | @#77dd66: | | **Date of Birth** | May 5th, 2004 || | **Gender** | Male || | **Nationality** | Dutch || | **Spoken Languages** | Dutch || | ::: | English || | ::: | German || | ::: | French || | **Timezone** | CET (GMT+1) || | ::: | CEST (GMT+2)((summer time)) || **Szandor** is one of the more active members in the [[mtr:start|Minecraft Transit Railway]] community. In September 2024, he took on a more dedicated support role within the community, officially becoming part of the staff team, before becoming a full-fledged member of the Staff team in March of 2025. Szandor is most known for a number of his retextures and remodels, such as the [[https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/rnet-stadler-flirt-3|R-net Stadler FLIRT 3]] and [[https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/rnet-lightace|LIGHTACE 1999T]], the [[https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/vdl-citea-lle-120|VDL Citea LLE-120]], but also his first ever custom model in the [[https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/tyne-and-wear-metrocar|Tyne and Wear Metrocar]]. Another recurring theme with him is the MTR community's equivalent of the rickroll where any mention of Boskoop or anything related to the railway line running through it will result in receiving the "get boskoop snijdelwijk'd" gif as reaction, the reason for it being that [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boskoop_Snijdelwijk_railway_station|Boskoop Snijdelwijk]] is often joked about as a useless station due to it seeing the lowest passenger numbers in the region despite 7.5 minute train frequencies. He can also be found on the [[mtr_letsplay:start|Let's Play]] server with his company [[mtr_letsplay:mrw|Moszyan Railways]], running primarily in the northwesternmost part of the server in a dedicated metropolitan area by the name of 's Riddershoven (though generally known as Den Hof in short), but also owning lines in other parts of the server, such as the [[mtr_letsplay:fryskeline|Fryske Line]] in the east. As of now, he runs the longest intercity railway service on the server, at approximately 55 kilometers((rough estimation, not a direct calculation)) spanning from [[mtr_letsplay:denhofcentraal|Den Hof Centraal]] to [[mtr_letsplay:banksia|Banksia]]. Besides that, he is also part owner of the [[mtr_letsplay:argentiwestcoast|Argenti West Coast]] venture, which currently stands at a near equal length((maybe more, as stated before, only rough estimations were made)), connecting the metropolitan areas of Den Hof and Seoul. Hes also an important manager of the [[mtr_community:server:unitedcitiesrailways|United Cities Railways]] server, working to make sure development doesn't spiral out of control with ridiculous or otherwise unrealistic ideas.