====== API Reference ====== These docs apply to Minecraft Transit Railway 4.0.0 and above. ===== Schema Information ===== Each endpoint's schema is linked in their own page. See the [[https://github.com/Minecraft-Transit-Railway/Transport-Simulation-Core/tree/master/buildSrc/src/main/resources/schema|Transport Simulation Core]] project for all schemas. ===== Request Format ===== * The examples on this wiki assume that the server IP is ''localhost'' with port ''8888''. * For POST requests, example request bodies are attached. * For most requests, the dimension can be specified by adding ''?dimension='' at the end of the endpoint URL (e.g. ''0'' for overworld, ''1'' for nether). ===== Helpful Information ===== * Rail IDs are comprised of six numbers (converted to hex strings) corresponding to the rail's node positions. It is in the format of ''-----''. ===== API List =====